Urban Juncture

Urban Juncture revitalizes disinvested Black urban communities by rebuilding neighborhood commerce around culture and innovation. Urban Juncture’s five core Build Bronzeville initiatives work together to support and advance locally-owned, culture-based enterprises and catalyze neighborhood revitalization.
Plan your visit
Visit Black Wall Street Journey space at Urban Juncture during regular Wednesday pop-up markets, happening every other week from 4–7 pm. Browse the upcoming schedule of events and plan your visit to Urban Juncture.
Black Wall Street Journey
Located in Bronzeville’s 51st Street retail corridor, Urban Juncture is offering incubation space for Rick Lowe’s Toward Common Cause project Black Wall Street Journey. The installation offers an ode to the village of Black enterprises here in Chicago. It features posters, the Black wealth video stream Black Wall Street Journal, and a mural by Dorian Sylvain and the Mural Moves collective—hand painted logos representing over 100 businesses and organizations that have elevated the quality of life for Chicagoans and beyond.